Coloring Book

Here you can find a ton of coloring book images of each of the sailor senshi and their friends! These are the type of blanks some artists use when they do the Otaku Senshi edited images, so if you edit, you are more than welcome to use these images. If you do not edit, you can always print these out and color them in with markers, crayons, colored pencils, etc.

These are all in .BMP and .GIF formats so some of them are HUGE! That is why they have been broken down into four separate WinZip files for easier downloading (Thanks for the idea Lori!). Just right click on the link and choose "Save Target As" to download the ZIP file. You will need an unzipping program to open them, so if you do not have one try 7-Zip here. These images are of very high resolution and if you use them for edits you want to keep them as .BMPs or .PNGs so you do not loose the clean black edges. When you are all done coloring them on the computer, you should resize them and save them as .JPG or .PGN files to save space.

I hope you all have fun with these!

Senshi of the Moon

Moon Blanks - Pack 1 - This ZIP file contains blanks of Sailor Moon and Sailor Chibi Moon.
Moon Blanks - Pack 2 - This ZIP file contains additional blanks of Sailor Moon and Sailor Chibi Moon.

Senshi of the Inner Solar System

Inner Blanks - Pack 1 - This ZIP file contains blanks of Venus, Mars, Mercury, and Jupiter.
Inner Blanks - Pack 2 - This ZIP file contains additional blanks of Venus, Mars, Mercury, and Jupiter.

Senshi of the Outer Solar System

Outer Blanks - Pack 1 - This ZIP file contains blanks of Saturn, Pluto, Neptune and Uranus.


Mixed Pack 1 - This ZIP file contains blanks of civilains, Chibi Chibi, The Starlights, a group of the Inners, and Pegasus.
Mixed Pack 2 - This ZIP file contains additional blanks of Uranus, Saturn, Neptune, and the Starlights.

Blanks By Sakura

These are some blanks that I made. The preview images are cropped versions of the full image. Clicking on a preview thumbnail will open the full version in a new window or tab. Feel free to use these for your various projects! A link for credit back to is always appreciated.