There are some questions that I get fairly often. This page addresses the most common questions that I have gotten over the years. If after reviewing this page you have additional questions, please see the Contact page for more information about how to have your concerns addressed.Select a Question:
- How did you make your web site?
- How often is this site updated/When is the next update?
- Will you make a web page for me?
- How did you get a domain (www.sailorastera.com)?
- When will Sailor Moon be on TV again? Will you put Sailor Moon back on TV?
- How many sibling sites do you have?
- Can my site be a sister site to SSC?
- What is a sibling site?
- Why don't your ALT tags on the Sibling Site Senshi Circle tell me where the link will take me? All they say is 'Follow Sailor...!' which tells me nothing.
- Can I give you and award for your page?
- Hey! You have my senshi up in your gallery! OR Hey! You used my senshi on one of your banners/buttons/graphics! IT'S MY SENSHI!!!
- Why don't you make Otaku Senshi Edited Art anymore?
- Where can I request an image from you?
- How did you come up with your characters/stories/plots?
- I have a fanfic, will you post it?
- Is Sailor Astera a real Sailor Moon character? What season/book is she in?
- Will you post my fanart?
- Can you teach me how to draw (anime)?
- Is your real name 'Sakura'?
- How old are you?
SailorAstera.com has gone through a lot of changes over the many years it has been online. I have learned a lot about web development over the years, but I also got a lot help my wonderful husband. ^_^ The site is a CSS framwork which he created, and I writes all the HTML for the content of the pages. For a detailed history of SailorAstera.com please visit the About page.
How often is this site updated/When is the next update?
I update as much as possible, as much as needed, and as much as I have time to dedicate to this hobby. I have a full time job and a lot of other hobbies so I do get a little distracted. Feel free to ask me about something that is pending, expecially if it's been a long time since I've last updated about it.
Will you make a web page for me?
I will have to apologize to all you web designers just starting out, but I really do not have the time to make a web page for you. I would actually like to encourage you to keep learning and trying! Check out Lissa Explains It All! An HTML guide for Kids!

How did you get a domain (www.sailorastera.com)?
The domain name was purchased from Ziggle.com and the hosting is at phpwebhosting.com. The domain is about $11/year and the hosting is $9.95/mo.
When will Sailor Moon be on TV again? Will you put Sailor Moon back on TV?
I am in no way connected with the licensing of the Sailor Moon anime or manga. Since the rights to Sailor Moon have expired in the US, it is unlikely that Sailor Moon will be on US TV again anytime soon. We can all keep hoping though.
How many sibling sites do you have?
I presently have 19 sibling sites. These sites are affiliates of SailorAstera.com because I have close ties with those who run these pages.
Can my site be a sister site to SailorAstera.com?
Sorry but I am not looking for any more sibling sites at this time. If you would like, you could alternatively contact me about a link exchange.
What is a sibling site?
Sibling sites (or sister sites) are run by webmasters or mistresses who help each other out by giving ideas, making graphics, writing stories, drawing fanart, and giving opinions. And of course, sibling sites link to one another in a special location. Most of the time sibling sites have some sort of connection or relationship beyond just links though. Often web hosts are good friends or have known each other for a long time. I feel that my sibling sites are all high quality web sites that are worth my visitor's time to check out.
Why don't your ALT tags on the Sibling Site Senshi Circle tell me where the link will take me? All they say is 'Follow Sailor...!' which tells me nothing.
When I originally made this site, the manga image of the senshi all together holding hands in a circle was her main image and inspiration. When I decided to find sibling sites, I wanted to do it by incorporating the 'senshi circle' in the process. None of my sibling sites are more important than another, so the fairest way for me to link them to image map the 'senshi circle' and link each senshi to a site. Thus far, my sibling sites have enjoyed choosing a senshi. It is not that I don't want you to know where your click will take you, it is only that I wish to be fair to those that support me. For those of you who absolutely must know, the URL is usually shown at the bottom of your browser on hover.
Can I give you and award for your page?
Sure! Send 'em in! I love getting rewarded for all my efforts! Visit the contact page for how to reach me. Be sure to tell me your web page URL so I can link back to you.
Hey! You have my senshi up in her gallery! OR Hey! You used my senshi on one of your banners/buttons/graphics! IT'S MY SENSHI!!!
I reserve the right to use my artwork in any representational graphic work including banners, buttons, ads, graphics, display, etc. All of those who request from Otaku Inclinations agree to the Terms of Service provided on the web page and as was stated in the TOS, part 4 of Disclaimer / Request Rules: "OI has all artist's right's to the work. We claim the right to use it in banners, layouts, galleries, ads, etc. as we see fit without permission from the requester." The hand drawn images are still property of me even if the character is intellectually your own.
Why don't you make free Otaku Senshi Edited Art anymore?
While I really enjoyed my days of Otaku Senshi Edited Art, I now have found I have less and less time to do edits or free requests. Presently, I am focused on requests from the TowerofTime.com Grab Bag as well as my own personal commisisons. I will occassionaly do an edited image for a friend or for fun, but I won't likely go back to it as my full time art choice.
Where can I request an image from you?
I am now a Request Guardian at the Tower of Time

How did you come up with you characters/stories/plots?
Sailor Astera was my first otaku senshi. I wanted to create a senshi that was evil, but not REALLY evil, just slightly mislead. I came up with the story from trying to figure out what the asteroid belt meant in the Sailor Moon universe. Granted, at the time, I did not know about the Asteroid Senshi; so I figured that the asteroid belt must have been a planet at one time and there should be a senshi for it. Scientific evidence suggests that this is not in fact true, but it will still interesting in the context of the SM universe. Born was the idea of Astera that has now changed many times over. The new story contains explainations for these contradictions with canon.
The Sailor Opals were a team made up to fill in the purpose of the story idea which was created first; I am working to develop their story a little more. Unit CP-X01 was created as a senshi that had no 'magical' powers but relied on physical force; Sailor Tiane was created as a necessary component to the story of Unit. The rest of my senshi have stemmed from ideas I've had had about the Sailor Moon universe and the galaxy in general. Sailor Nibiru holds a special signifigance to me because she is a memorial to my father who passed away in 2006.
I have a fanfic, will you post it on SSC?
Please see the Get Involved page for details about submitting material to SSC.
Is Sailor Astera a real Sailor Moon character? What season/book is she in?
Sailor Astera, as well as all of the fan characters and stories I have created are all just fan-based and made up. Astera is an 'otaku senshi', also called a 'fan senshi', or a made-up sailor senshi. She is one of a very large expanse of such characters throughout all of the online Sailor Moon community. For more information about otaku senshi, please visit Create Your Own Otaku Senshi: A Sailor Moon Fan Character Help Site.
Will you post my fanart?
Please see the Get Involved page for details about submitting material to SSC.
Can you teach me how to draw (anime)?
I cannot teach you how to draw. The truth is, if you want to draw, practicing is the best thing. Talk to your parents and see if they can get you into some private art classes. Get a sketch pad and draw from pictures you print off the internet. Drawing well doesn't come overnight (all though some people are born with the talent) so keep working at it. Also, check out Drawing 101 & Drawing 110! ^_^ It is at least a good place to start!
Is your real name 'Sakura'
No, it's Sarah. But Sakura is preferred when in an online "Sailor Moon" context because it is how everyone knows me. You can also call me Sakky. :3
How old are you?
I am 25.