SSC - Fiction: Short Story

Life Before the Darkness
by Kumiko

Mistress 9 sat on her throne quite bored. She'd been sitting there for several hours. With nothing else to do, she combed her fingers through her hair. Suddenly, a memory flew through her mind.

She lay on a blanket beside a lake. A guy with very light blue hair and very dark blue eyes ran his fingers through her hair. He smiled, leaned forward and gently kissed her. Then he said something to her even though she couldn't hear him. Whatever it was, it must have been funny, because she playfully pushed him away and got up.

The memory ended, and Mistress 9 leaned forward in the chair. Every time one of those memories came, Hotaru lauched a mental attack to regain control. Hotaru was the one pushing the memories to the surface; trying to weaken her with overwhelming memories, but where were they originating from? Could the brat be creating them? It was possible, but why would Hotaru be rememboring her with a guy? No, they must be her memories, but how? All she remembered, all she knew was Pharoh 90. She knew nothing of what her life was before him. She shifted positions. All this thinking was giving her a slight headache. Hotaru forced another memory to the front of her mind.

She ran through a field along the shore of the lake. Turning around, she saw the boy following her and stopped. He caught up, and she laughed at his tossled hair. They had abviously been running for a while, the boy was breathless, but amazingly she wasn't winded in the least. He spread his arms and she went to him willingly. They stayed like that for a moment, before she reached up and kissed him.

Mistress 9 again leaned over slightly against Hotaru's attack. She didn't know where these memories were coming from, but they were begining to place doubts in her head. Was this what her life had been like? Had she really been this happy before Pharoh 90 came along? Why was she helping summon someone who wanted to destroy what, in these past few hours, she had actually begin to come to enjoy? She drove these thoughts from her mind. No, it was absurd. The brat, Hotaru was doing this to her. She was placing these illusions in her head, but then why did they feel so real? And why was she starting to miss seeing that boy? Even if it was only in memories. She started drumming her fingers in exasperation. If only she could remember. Maybe things would be clearer to her. Maybe she would be less doubtful of her master. She felt another memory being pushed, but instead of fighting it, she allowed it to flow. Maybe, she would learn something.

This time, her and the boy were standing in a garden. She was crying about something, and try as she might, she still couldn't hear what he was saying to her. She nodded her head at whatever her said, and then he turned and walked away.

Mistress 9 rubbed her wet cheeks. She had never cried before. What was going on with her? Suddenly, it hit her. This had been her life. Her with this fair haired boy, and she had been happy. Hatred burned in her. How could her master have taken her away from that? She began to hate him, and actually considered allowing the brat to take over again, but then she remembered that she had been crying in the last memory, and it all became clear. She had been hurt, and her master had taken pity on her. No wonder her master wanted eternal silence to rule. She had been hurt by a human.Anger built up in her again. The humans deserved whatever her master deemed necessary,for what they had done to her, and if eternal silence was the answer then so be it. It wouldn't matter what she thought anyway. She looked up at a noise, and saw Professor Tomoe enter.

"Everything's ready." he said. An evil smile crossed Mistress 9's face.

"Good." she hissed.