Note: A special thanks to Sakky and Radia for allowing me to use their otaku senshi in this fanfic.
Note 2: The monster at the begining has nothing to do with the plot of the story.
Sailor Arctic helped Sailor Moon to her feet. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'll be alright." Sailor Moon gave Arctic a reassuring smile, then she moved to help the other scouts. The monster had fled a moment ago right after Arctic had surprised it from behind. She watched as the other scouts got to their feet. She was worried. What was that thing? How did it get there, and what did it want? These questions and more kept running through her mind as they all transformed back to normal and went home. No sooner was Kumi inside the door then Cicero was lecturing her.
"How could you let it escape!? That monster was the only key to who was attacking us now!"
"Calm down Cicero." answered Kumi,"I'll get her next time." Kumi walked into her room and shut the door leaving Cicero still fuming in the hallway. She laid down on her bed and stared at the ceiling. Suddenly, the phone on the bedside stand beside her rang. She jumped up and answered it qiuckly.Maybe its Kiyoshi, she thought to herself. "Hello?"
"Is this Kumiko?" A voice whispered.
"Yes it is. Who is this?"
"I don't have much time to talk," the voice said frantically, "But what I have to tell you will determine the fate of the world."
"Who is...?" Kumi started, but she was cut off.
"Just shut up and listen! The first evil that the princess faught wsan't destroyed it was mearly wounded."
"What evil? What are you talking about?"
"There's no time to explain. All I can tell you is to ask the princess."
"But..." The line went dead. Kumi stared at it for a second, then called the scouts.
Ten minutes later, the scouts were gathered in Kumi's living room. Rei was talking, "And you have no idea who it could possibly be?"
"No." Kumi was sitting on the couch with Ami on one side and Lita on the other. Rei was sitting on the coffee table in front of Kumiko, and Serena was sitting in a chair behind Rei. "All they said was that the first evil the princess faced wasn't dead. I didn't know who they were talking about at first, but now that I've had time to think, I know who it is." She looked Rei in the eyes," It's Queen Beryl isn't it?"
Ami answered, "She was the first evil."
Serena panicked, "What!? You mean we may have to face Beryl again? No way. It's not possible. We blasted that witch back to the Negaverse. It has to be somebody else."
"Enough Serena!" Luna jumped in, "Whether it is Queen Beryl or not you're going to face this evil, and defend your future kingdom."
"But I don't want to face her alone again."
"You won't be alone Serena," comforted Lita, "We won't let her get the jump on us this time."
"Yeah," added Mina, " And we have another scout so we'll have more firepower. Beryl won't stand a chance."
Serena smiled, "Thanks guys." But on the couch, Kumi was lost in her own thoughts. She knew what had happened on the moon kingom, and what that battle had cost her. She looked at her friends now all laughing. All of them had been killed, and what about Kiyoshi? He would want to help. Should she let him? What if she lost him again? Then she decided. I won't let it happen, I'll finish her myself.
"Hey Kumi are you okay?" Serena had been talking to her.
"Huh? Yeah." Kumi let out a nervous laugh. "I was just thinking."
After the scouts left, Kumi went to bed. The fight and then the strange telephone call had exhausted her. At 2:00 the phone startled Kumi awake. She had been dreaming. She couldn't remember what of, but she tried to as she fumbled for the phone. "Hello?" she answered groggily.
"Ami's right." It was the person who had called earlier. "It is Queen Beryl." Kumi was wide awake now.
"How!?" She was almost frantic.
"I'm not sure yet, but..." The voice paused. "I have to go."
"What? Wait!" The line went dead again.
The next morning at school Kumi met Serena and the others outside. "Kumiko are you alright?" asked Ami when she saw Kumi's face.
"I didn't get much sleep last night. That strange person called again."
"What!?" They all exclaimed.
"What did they say?" questioned Lita.
"They said Ami was right. It is Queen Beryl." Everyone grew silent. Mina was the first to speak.
"So it starts again."
"Umhum." Everyone agreed.
"Lets just get through today, and we'll figure out what to do tonight." offered Kumi.
"Right." Everyone nodded solemly, then they departed for class.
At Rei's temple later they were all discussing a plan for attack. "Are you sure Beryl's not in the arctic again?" Rei was asking Kumi.
"Yes. I use the old negaverse base whenever I'm up there. They aren't there."
"Is this a bad time?" asked someone from behind the girls. They all turned.
"Amara, Michelle" said Serena.
Michelle smiled, "Yeah and look who else is here." They moved to the side. Trista, Hotaru, and Rini were standing there.
"Hey Trista," greeted Mina, "What are you doing here? I thought you took Hotaru and Rini to the museum."
"I did." answered Trista, "but then I started feeling strong negavibes and decided to come back and see what was going on."
Meanwhile, somewhere in Antarctica, Queen Beryl sat on her throne, wearing a black cloak to hide her scarred face, watching the scene at the temple unfold. "Its time to see how powerful these scouts have gotten since the last time I saw them." She looked to her court. Who would like the honor of challenging the scouts first?" A monster with drills on her hands stepped into the light. "Excavas, you're prepared to take on the moon princess?"
"I am." answered the monster simply.
"Very well, go." Excavas left. Beryl turned and looked into the darkness. "Where are you going?"
"I'm going to follow her." It was the same voice that had called Kumi on the phone. The figure turned and walked into the light. Princess Radia stood before her mother unmoving. Queen Beryl watched her for a moment before speaking.
"Why should I trust you Radia? You betrayed me before."
"Yes, and I was punished for it as well. I learned my lesson from the months spent with Aunt Galaxia." Radia answered cooly. Beryl nodded in agreement, and Radia teleported to her apartment in Tokyo.
Across town in a crowded market place, Excavas began her attack. She was creating as many negavibes as possible to attract the scouts.
Meanwhile, back at the temple, Trista stiffened at the sudden energy flowing through her. She looked at the others. They had sensed it too. Trista stood quickly. "Pluto Planet Power!" she screamed. The others weren't far behind.
"Uranus Planet Power!"
"Neptune Planet Power!"
"Saturn Planet Power!"
"Mercury Crystal Power!"
"Mars Crystal Power!"
"Jupiter Crystal Power!"
"Arctic Ice Power!" Serena and Rini looked at each other and nodded.
"Super Moon Crisis Power!" They ran from the house with Luna, Diana, Cicero, and Artemas hot on their tails.
Back at the market place, the damage was extreme. excavas was examining her handy work, when from behind her came a shout. "Stop right there!" She turned. There, standing on top of a nearby building were the sailor scouts. Sailor Moon gave her usual speech before jumping to the ground.
"So, we meet at last Sailor Moon." sneered Excavas, "Ever since you defeated Queen Beryl, I've spent months training to beat you, and now I'll finally show you just how strong the negaverse is." Excavas charged the scouts.
"Jupiter Thunderclap Zap!" Excavas stopped and slapped the thunderbolt to the side. It hit the ground and exploded sending a bolt of lightning skyward.
From her window, Radia saw the lightning and clenched her fists. "Time to go to work Radia." she said to herself. "Galaxy Crystal Power!" She henshined. "Choas Crystal Teleportation!" She teleported to the fight, Perfect. She thought to herself when she saw the battlefield. Mercury, Venus, and Mars were hurt, but they were standing. Excavas had her back to Galaxy, so she seized the opportunity. "Galaxy Blackhole Shatter!" The shards of vortex raced at Excavas. She turned at the voice, but was too late to block the attack. She tried to dodge the shards, but one caught her in the leg. She collapsed and grabbed the wound.Neon green blood trickled through her fingers.
"Who is that?!" Arctic shouted. Galaxy smiled.
"Rising out of the darkness of my mothers kingdom to stop her evil plot, I am Sailor Galaxy princess of the Negaverse and sailor warrior of wrath."
"Galaxy!" It was Sailor Moon. Galaxy moved her head to look Sailor Moon in the eyes. "Thanks for the help."
"Enough talking!" Excavas was back on her feet. "You traiterous little brat. I'll finish you myself along with the others." Excavas started up the drills on her hands and dove underground. The scouts backed up to each other. Galaxy knew this technique, and just like she predicted, the ground beneath the scouts started to collapse.
"Look out!" She shouted and grabbed Arctic's wrist. They jumped from the crumbeling ground. Jupiter followed. Venus, realizing what was gong on, jumped at Sailor Moon. She pushed her out of the way just as the ground beneath them fell. She just missed the edge of the pit and crashed to the bottom with the other scouts. Dust billowed from the pit and into the night sky.
Sailor Moon crawled to the edge of the pit and called down. "Guys?" no answer. The dust cleared revealing the battered, bruised and unconscience scouts at the bottom. Tears welled up in Sailor Moon's eyes at the sight. Just then, Excavas appeared out of the smoke behind Sailor Moon.
"Sailor Moon watch it!" shouted Jupiter in warning. Sailor Moon turned and saw Excavas. Excavas started up the drill and lunged at Sailor Moon. Sailor Moon raised her arm in defense and screamed. Just then, a rose flew out of the darkness and landed in the drill. it cracked and shattered from the impact revealing Excavas's hand. She screamed and jumped back. Tuxedo Mask landed in front of Sailor Moon, and over by Arctic, Kiyoshi was helping her to her feet. Excavas grew angry.
"How dare you. I'll get you for that." she blasted dark energy at Tuxedo Mask. Arctic saw that prince could be hurt and did her duty. She jumped in front of the oncoming attack and was calling a counter when suddenly, Kiyoshi jumped in front of her.
"No!" she screamed. The attack hit Kiyoshi full force. He screamed in pain and collapsed to the ground. Arctic caught him. She was in tears. "Why'd you do it Kiyoshi? I had it under control." Kiyoshi smiled weakly and touched her tear streaked cheek.
"I couldn't take the chance of you getting hurt." He whispered. Arctic shut her eyes and wept. When Kiyoshi's hand slipped away from her cheek, her eyes shot open in terror. She grabbed Kiyoshi by the shoulders and shook him.
"Wake up! Wake up! Don't leave me Kiyoshi. Not again. Please wake up." Kiyoshi didn't respond, and Arctic collapsed in tears. Excavas smirked.
"Well that's what he gets for getting in my way." Arctic sat up. Her body ridgid with anger. She stood and faced Excavas. Her eyes glowed an eerie blue, and a sinister ice blue aura surrounded her. Excavas took a step backwards from the immense energy radiating from this sailor soldier.
"You've hurt my friends for the last time. There is no escaping my rage." The aura grew in size, and the ground around Arctic frosted over. Galaxy grabbed hold of Sailor Moon and Tuxedo who were tending to Kiyoshi.
"Lets go."
"But...Arctic" objected Sailor Moon.
"She'll be fine." interupted Galaxy, "But we have to move now." The aura was growing dangerously close.
"What's wrong with her?'' asked Sailor Moon.
"That's her anger. She's releasing it upon the Earth, and if we don't move then we'll be frozen here now lets go." Galaxy dragged Sailor Moon to her feet and out of the way of the aura. Jupiter helped Tuxedo carry Kiyoshi out of danger, then they watched and waited.
Arctic couldn't hold herself back anymore. She charged with great speed at Excavas. Excavas didn't have time to react. Arctic grabbed her around the throat and lifted her off the ground choking off her air. Excavas choked and struggled trying to get free, but Arctic's grip only tightened. The glow from Arctic's eyes caught Excavas's attention and held her there captivated. She didn't even hear when Arctic muttered "Eternal Banishment." Suddenly, Excavas screamed in pain and horror, she threw her head back. Her entire face glowed, and as Sailor Moon and the others watched in horror, Excavas's soul floated out of her body and hovered above her body. It looked at Sailor Moon in terror before opening its mouth in a silent scream anddisappearing in a tiny implosion. Excavas stopped screaming and went limp. The aura around Arctic disappeared, and she threw Excavas away from her. She hit the ground with a thud. "You'll never hurt anyone again." said Arctic. Sailor Moon tried to rrun to Arctic and demand some answers, but Galaxy stopped her.
"What did you do!?" shouted Sailor Moon. Arctic turned to Sailor Moon, her eyes were still glowing.
"I banished her soul to another dimension. She will go on living life as a human, but she will have no mind, no conscience, and no meaning."
"How could you do that to someone?" begged Sailor Moon.
"It's the price for hurting my friends." said Arctic, then her eyes lost their glow, and she passed out.
Kumi was running. She didn't know where to, but it was cold. It was night, and she was in senshi form. The wind howled, and the snow flew around her like a sea of white. Suddenly, a black shadow engulfed her, and she woke up in a cold sweat. Her room lay dark around her. Cicero was curled up at the foot of her bed. At first, she was confused, but sudenly she remembered the fight. Well' some of it anyway. She remembered that Kiyoshi had been hit, but after that nothing. It wasn't until she woke up more that she herd the voices. They were low, so she couldn't tell who they were, but they were talking about her. Slowly, she climbed out of bed and made her way to the door. Serena, Darien, and all the others were in the livingroom talking. "Hey guys." Greeted Kumi, "Did we win?" They all looked at each other, then at Kumi.
"You mean you don't remember?" questioned Darien.
"No," Kumi replied, "the last thing I remember is..." she trailed off and looked around the room. "Where's Kiyoshi?"
"He's in the other room resting." answered Luna. "Right now lets try and figure out how you did what you did during that battle."
After they had filled Kumi in on what had happened, she sat there silently. The moment draggged on before she finally spoke. "Will she be okay?"
"It depends on what you mean by okay." retorted Radia. Everyone looked at her. "If you mean will she live then yes. She's human now, but like you said. She'll have no emotions, conscience, and no meaning to her life." Kumi once again breathed a sigh of relief, she haden't killed either. Then, another thought hit Kumi.
"Wait a minute. Who are you?" Radia lifted her chin proudly.
"I am Radia, princess of the Negaverse and heir to Queen Beryl's throne."
"But if you're the heir, then that would make you..."
"her daughter." Radia finished.
"Then why are you helping us?"
Radia got defensive. "Whay do you want to know?"
Kumi too defended herself. "Because I don't trust anyone or anything that comes from the Negaverse."
"I'm not like the rest of them!"
"What makes you so different?!" Radia lowered her head.
"I'm helping because Serena is my half sister."
"What?!" exclaimed Kumi. She looked to Serena. Serena nodded. "How?" Ami interviened
"We have more important things to worry about. We can all talk about this later." The two girls put their questions on hold.
"Ami's right." Radia looked to Kumi. Kumi started.
"What did you say?"
"I said Ami's right." replied Radia. Kumi smiled.
"I knew it. You're the one who kept calling me aren't you?" Everyone looked at Radia questioningly. She nodded.
"Yes, it was me." Kumi crossed her arms and smiled proud of herself. "But enough about that",continued Radia, " we have to figure out what to do about my mother." Just then, Cicero walked out of Kumi's room and stretched and yawned.
"Kumiko why don't you come to bed its after midnight." Kumi looked at the clock and yawned herself.
"Cicero's right. We'll figure out what to do tomorrow." The others agreed and left. Kumi rose from the couch and walked to her bedroom door. She stopped outside her roomand looked at the door that led to the room Kiyoshi was resting in. She silently opened the door and slipped into the room. Lights from the street outside were the only illumination. Kiyoshi was sleeping peacefully, his head was wrapped in bandages. Kumi made her way to the bedside and took Kiyoshi's hand in hers. She sat there for a long time, the battle and everything the scouts had revealed running through her mind. "Beryl won't get away with this." she promised. Kumi placed a gentle kiss on Kiyoshi's lips before leaving the room and going to bed.
Molly was sitting on a bench in the park. It was Saturday, and Melvin was late again, but Molly wasn't worried about that, she was lost in thought. It had been two years since she had been to this part of the park. She looked over to the very corner of the park at a clump of trees. Her mind wandered back to that fateful night. Nephlite smiled up at Molly as his life slipped away. His energy floated into the night sky as Molly broke down. The scouts stood silently behind her they too in tears. Molly closed her eyes at the painful memory, and to make it worse, today was the two year anniversary of the day he gave his life for her. A tear trickled down Molly's cheek.
Serena was taking the shortcut through the park to Kumi's apartment. She noticed Molly sitting on a bench in a corner of the park and decided to go and visit for a little while. "Hey Molly." she greeted, "Waiting on Melvin again? Huh?" She saw the tear on Molly's cheek. "What's the matter Molly?" Molly covered her face with her hands and wept. Serena stood there dumbfounded not sure exactly what to do.
"I miss him so much Serena." Molly sobbed.
"Who Molly?"
"Nephlite." Serena sat down beside Molly on the bench. "I know its been two years, but I just can't seem to get over it."
"I know how you feel Molly." comforted Serena, "I know how it feels to lose someone you love. All I can say is that it'll get better." Molly wiped the tears from her eyes and looked at Serena. Serena smiled reassuringly. "It will." Molly smiled too.
"Thanks Serena, you've made me feel much better."
"Anytime Molly." Serena looked at her watch and jumped up. "I gotta go, I'm gonna be late." Serena took off across the park. Molly stared after her for a minute before getting up to go find Melvin. Just as she stepped outside the park, a gentle breeze rustled through the trees and Nephlite's voice was carried through the park, but only a whisper. "Molly."
Serena tore up the stairs to kumi's apartment and skidded to a stop outside the door. She knocked and was soon greeted by Kumi. "Hey guys. Sorry I'm late. Did I miss anything?"
"No." Kumi said, "We're at the same place we were last night." Trista offered her opinion.
"You know maybe we're looking at this all wrong. Instead of thinking about our plan of attack, maybe we should focus on finding out where she is first." Everyone looked at Radia. Radia looked down and spoke lowly.
"She's in the Antarctic."
"What?!" everyone exclaimed. Rei looked at Kumi.
"I thought you said they weren't there." Kumi put her hands up.
"I said they weren't in the arctic. I don't go to the Antarctic." Although maybe I should start. She thought to herself. Rei looked down.
"Okay, we know where she is, now what are we going to do?"
"Mina groaned, "We're back at square one."
"If only Nephlite were here." whispered Serena.
"Huh?" Now everyone looked at Serena.
"What brought that up Serena?" questioned Rei. Serena looked up startled, then back down.
"I saw Molly in the park earlier. She was near where Nephlite was killed, and she was still really upset about it, and I was thinking if Nephlite were still here then poor Molly wouldn't be sad, and he would be able to help us figure out Beryl's next move." Kumi was lost again.
"Um. Who's Nephlite." The scouts filled Kumi in about Nephlite. "Too bad I wasn't there. I would have saved him. Poor Molly." Serena's eyes got big .
"Wait a minute! What did you just say?" Kumi looked at Serena strangely.
"I said I would have saved him." Serena jumped up excitedly.
"Ha ha that's it." she shouted, "I have an idea." Kumi moved to the other side of the couch, everyone else took a step back. Serena turned to Kumi. "Why are you at the other end of the couch?"
"Oh. No reason. What were you saying?"
"Oh yeah. You're the senshi of life. You can bring Nephlite back. That way he can help us, and Molly will be alright." Serena started mumbling out plans. Rei looked at mina.
"Maybe I should get a bucket of water for when her head catches fire." Mina stifled a laugh. Kumi ignored them both. Serena did have a good idea, but...
"Serena." kumi said. Serena stopped jabbering. "I have a better idea. Instead of using so much energy on bringing him back to life and messing up Molly's relationship with Melvin. Why not just heal him that way Molly never gets involved with Melvin, and Nephlite will still be around to help us. Serena blinked.
"That's good too, but how are you going to heal him?" Kumi looked across the room at Trista.
"I'll go back in time."
Trista spoke. "You know I'm not allowed to do that."
"I know, but think of all the good that'll come out of it." Trista started to say something else, but Rini stepped in.
"I say lets do it." trista again began to object, but Serena too spoke.
"I agree." She looked at Trista, "We need all the help we can get." Trista looked from her future queen to small lady. she smiled knowing it was useless to argue.
Sailor Pluto stood with the others at the time gate. She was telling Arctic how to use the time flow. "Keep your mind focused on your destination and don't get distracted by anything you see. Once you've saved Nephlite, the time portal should automatically bring you back here." She opened the gate and stood back. Sailor Arctic took a breath and just when she was about to jump, someone shouted from behind them.
"Wait!" Everyone turned, and from out of the mist came Sailor Astera, her blonde hair flew behind her as she ran. She reached the scouts only a little winded.
"Astera. What are you doing here?" asked Sailor Moon.
"Artemas and Luna told Demitrius what you were doing, so I figured I'd come and help." She turned to Arctic, "Ready?" Arctic nodded. They both turned to the portal took hands and jumped.
They came out in the park. They heard shouting and headed in that direction. They saw the monster disappear as it was destroyed and ran faster.
Nephlite smiled weakly at Molly. The scouts' eyes filled with tears. Suddenly, from behind them they heard someone shouting. "Move!" They turned. Arctic and Astera appeared out of the darkness.
"Who are they!?" exclaimed Jupiter. The scouts moved to protect Molly. arctic and Astera stopped in front of a younger Sailor Moon.
"Please." She gasped out, "We can save him but you have to let us through." Sailor Moon studied Arctic and Astera a moment before Molly spoke.
"Let em' through." The scouts parted allowing Arctic the first glance at Nephlite. It was worse than she had thought, he was slipping fast. She motioned to Jupiter.
"Take her." She pointed at Molly. Jupiter moved and took Molly from Nephlite's side. Arctic got down on her knees and quickly examined the branches in Nephlite's shoulder. She looked up at Astera. "Help me. We have to pull these out." Astera joined Arctic on the ground. They both grabbed hold of the branches. Green electricity flowed through the branches shocking Arctic and Astera, but they didn't let go. With one hard pull, the branches came out of Nephlite's shoulder. Astera threw the branchesand moved to hold Nephlite's head in her lap, he was still slipping. Arctic positioned her hands over the wound and closed her eyes. A soft ice blue glow appeared under her hands. The blood and flesh around Nephlite's wound grew icecrystals on them before finally starting to seal the tear. Everyone watched in silence. Slowly, the wound closed completely and Nephlite started to stir. Molly dove to Nephlite's side and took his head in her arms. Arctic lowered her hands, and then fell over from the loss of energy. Astera helped her into a sitting position. Molly still cradled Nephlite.
Slowly, his eyes flickered open, "Molly?" Molly let the tears of joy flow. She hugged Nephlite tightly. Arctic and Astera smiled to themselves. They had saved Nephlite, now it was time to go back. Astera helped Arctic to her feet and stayed close to her until she steadied herself. As they walked off heading back to the time gate, Jupiter called to them.
"Hey wait." Arctic and Astera turned. "Who are you?" Arctic smiled before answering
"All you need to know right now is that we're friends." With that they turned and walked into the darkness.
Back at the time gate, the scouts waited anxiously. Finally, after what seemed like hours Arctic and Astera stepped back through the gate. "Well?" asked Sailor Mini Moon. Arctic smiled and patted Mini Moon's head. Everyone took a relieving breath. They had changed the past.
Serena and the others were headed to Molly's house. It was Sunday and still not a sign of negavibes. At Molly's, Serena knocked on the door. Molly's mother answered. "Hi is Molly home?" Molly's mother smiled.
"Of course Serena. Why don't you all come in." Everyone stepped into the house. "Molly's in the livingroom." Serena and the others made their way to the livingroom. Molly was sitting on the couch watching t.v. her head rested on Nephlite's shoulder, both wore soft smiles. Serena knocked on the wall and both Molly and Nephlite turned to the doorway. Molly sat up straight.
"Hey Serena."
"Hi Molly" Serena looked to Nephlite. "Nephlite." Nephlite nodded a greeting. Molly's mother poked her head inside the door.
"Molly, why don't come help me get some snacks for our guests." Molly stood and walked to the kitchen with her mother. Nephlite cleared his throat.
"So, Serena what brings you here.?"
"Actually," said Serena, "we're here because we need your help. Queen Beryl's back." Nephlite stood and looked out the window.
"I know. I've felt her presence pulling on the evil inside of me for a while now."
"Nephlite, I know that you and Molly are happy now, but we really do need your help. We need your insight. You know how Queen Beryl thinks." Suddenly, there was a crash out in the hallway and Molly ran into the room and into Nephlite's arms.
"Don't you dare Nephlite. The last time you were involved with that evil creature you nearly got killed. I almost lost you then, and I don't want you to get hurt."
"But Molly." started Serena, "We really need Nephlite's help." Molly turned to Serena.
"How do you know about Queen Beryl Serena? I never t0ld anyone about her. The only other person who knows about Beryl is Sailor Moon.'
"I... uh..." Serena was stuck. She only saw one way out of this mess. Thankfully, Nephlite stepped in.
"Molly, I need to tell you something." He led Molly to the couch. "The reason Serena knows about Beryl is because Serena is Sailor Moon." Molly looked at Serena. Serena nodded. Molly looked back to Nephlite and started laughing.
"You're joking right? Serena's Sailor Moon."
"It's true Molly." assured Serena.
"But Serena," said Molly, "you're too klutzie to be Sailor Moon." Serena was getting a little angry.
"I am Sailor Moon and I can prove it." Serena grabbed her brooch. "Super Moon Crisis Power!" Serena henshined. Molly sat in shock for a minute before speaking.
"Serena you're Sailor Moon." Sailor Moon changed back to normal. "I'm sorry i didn't believe you." Molly looked at the others. "What about them?" she asked Serena.
"They're the sailor scouts." answered Serena. "But that's not important. We still need Nephlite's help." Molly looked up into Nephlite's eyes. He nodded in reassurance. Molly looked back at Serena.
"You promise he'll come back alive?'
"I'll do whatever I can."
Outside, Nephlite was saying good-bye to Molly. They were all going back to Kumi's to plan. Molly had her hands cupped around Nephlite's face. "You come back to me." she said and lowered her head, her eyes filling with tears. Nephlite gently raised Molly's chin so that he could look into her eyes. He was lost in those eyes for a moment. Those sweet and innocent eyes now filled with tears and worry for him. He couldn't think of anything to say, so he just bent down and placed a soft kiss on Molly's lips. When he finally pulled away, Molly stayed there, her eyes closed, storing that precious moment in her mind. Nephlite and the others departed leaving Molly on the front porch.
Back at Kumi's, everyone was thinking. Kumi was on the couch, Sakura, Mina, Serena, and Rini were with her, their cats lay on their laps listening. All except Cicero. She was too busy admiring Demitrius. Unconsciencely she began to purr. If only I could tell him how I feel. She thought. Suddenly, Demitrius looked at Cicero and smiled. Cicero blushed and looked away embarassed that she was caught staring at him. Kumi reached out to Cicero's head and stroked her.
They scouts finally decided. They would do an all out frontal attack against Queen Beryl. Nephlite had helped them just like they thought he would. He himself had recomended the idea of a frontal attack. There was no way Beryl would have many forces worthy enough to go up against the scouts, and what forces she did have would be guarding against a sneak attack. "Then its settled." said Amara, "Tomorrow we declare war." Everyone nodded. Suddenly, the clock on the wall chimed. It was 10:00.
"I think we should all go and rest up. We'll meet back here after school." said Rei. Everyone headed for the door. Cicero jumped from Kumi's lap and followed Demitrius to the door. "Good-bye." she whispered. Kumi watched her for a minute. Cicero made her way back to the couch. Kumi smiled.
"What was that all about?" Cicero looked up at Kumi.
"What are you talking about?"
"I saw they way you were looking at Demitrius. You love him don't you?" Cicero blushed again.
"That's rediculious. Cats don't fall in love." Kumi crossed her arms.
"Tell that to Artemas and Luna. And by the way. You're a terrible liar. We've been together long enough that I can tell." Cicero blushed darker. "Besides if you love him then you need to tell him, because you never know when you'll lose him and never get the chance to. So why don't you just confess." Cicero turned and looked at Kumi.
"Ok. I admit it. I love Demitrius, but I can't tell him."
"Why not?"
"Because, what if he doesn't love me back?"
"You'll never know unless you tell him." Cicero was silent. Kumi sat down beside Kumi. "I'll make you a deal. If we win against Queen Beryl tomorrow then you tell Demitrius how you feel." Cicero gave Kumi a 'you're kidding' look.
"I'm not that stupid. I know that you are going to defeat her."
"Fine, then I guess I'll have to tell him.'' Cicero jumped up.
"Okay, okay, I'll tell him, but you had better learn to listen to my advice if I do." Kumi scratched Cicero behind her ear.
A little while later, Kumi was once again in Kiyoshi's room. "Tomorrow night Kiyoshi." She was saying, "I'll get revenge for what she did to you." She laid her head against Kiyoshi's arm. All of a sudden, Kumi felt a hand gently tug on her braid. She looked up in surprise, and Kiyoshi smiled.
"You're not going to face Beryl without me are you?" Kumi laughed a little.
"You're not going anywhere." she said, "I don't need you pulling another stunt like you did against Excavas." Kiyoshi got serious.
"I mean it Kumiko. You're not going without me."
"And I'm telling you." retorted Kumi, "You've seen enough action for a while.'' Kumi rose and went to the door.
"You can't protect me forever Kumi." Kumi paused at the door and looked back at Kiyoshi.
"You're right. I can't, but that doesn't mean I can't protect you from this." With that, Kumi left the room. Outside in the hall, Kumi leaned against the wall and put her hand to her forehead. She sighed. "Why does he have to be so stuborn?"
After school, everyone met at Kumi's as planned. They all morphed and joined hands. They were about to teleport, when Arctic broke away. She turned to Darien. "Please make sure Kiyoshi doesn't follow us." she begged. Darien nodded and took a seat on the couch. With that reassurance, she rejoined hands with the scouts. They teleported out, Nephlite followed them.
In the Antarctic, Galaxy led the scouts in the direction of her mother. As they came over a rise, they saw just how many minions Beryl had. They charged and Uranus opened up full force. "Uranus World Shaking!" The energy raced at the wave of minions. It hit and the minions screamed. Uranus's attack alone had taken out a huge chunk of the enemies' forces. "They're weak!" shouted Uranus.
"Queen Beryl!" A minion ran into the throne room. "They're here. We're under attack. What do you want us to do?" Beryl rose from her throne.
"Order a retreat. I'll take care of the scouts."
Outside, Beryl's forces were beaten. The scouts stood over them triumphantly. Suddenly, a sinister laugh rang out around the scouts. It echoed eerily off of the ice, before Queen Beryl appeared from the castle, her cloak flapped in the wind, her hood was drawn around her face. Terror filled Sailor Moon's eyes. "We meet again Sailor Moon." hissed Beryl. Sailor Moon's legs trembled, and she collapsed with fear. Nephlite saw the terror coming from Sailor Moon. He remembered seeing the same look in Molly's eyes when she was kidnapped. Beryl noticed him and smiled evily. "Nephlite. So, you've decided to fight against me. What are you going to do when Sailor Moon falls and nothing stands between me and your little girlfriend? Then, there'll be nothing keeping you from returning to the Negaverse." Nephlite grew angry.
"You leave Molly out of this." Suddenly, Sailor Moon got to her feet. Seeing Nephlite willing to take on Queen Beryl alone just for Molly had given her strength. Sailor Moon walked on shakey legs to the front of the line. Queen Beryl watched her.
"Are you going to try and defeat me again little girl?"
"Wrong!" shouted Jupiter, "We're going to defeat you, and this time it'll be for good." Sailor Moon looked at her friends. All of them were going to risk their lives for her. Her courage grew, and she summoned the crystal. Queen Beryl laughed. "You honestly think that pathetic crystal will have any effect on me." Queen Beryl held out her staff with a scarred hand. A huge amount of dark energy flew at the scouts. Sailor Moon was hit and thrown backward. Her scouts ran to her.
"I don't understand." said Sailor Moon, "The Silver Crystal should have protected me." Queen Beryl laughed again.
"Allow me to explain Sailor Moon. When you blasted me with the crystal the last time we met I had the Negaforce in me, but the blast melded my body to that darkness, and now..." Queen Beryl threw her cloak away from her. Her face was hideous. The scars from two years ago were all over her. Her snake like tenticals were also covered with the scars. "I am the Negaforce!" Arctic had an idea. The Silver Crystal itself may be too weak to defeat Queen Beryl, but what if they all worked together.
Sailor Arctic told the scouts her idea. "It just might work." Sailor Moon got to her feet again.
"Nice try Beryl." she taunted, "But obviously you still don't have enough power to kill me." Beryl grew angry.
"I'll show you who has power!" Beryl launched all of her power at Sailor Moon at once. The scouts hurried to their princess.
"Silver Crystal Power!" They all shouted. Astera held her Amethest out to Beryl and joined the attack.
"Amethest Crystal Power!" Arctic too joined the fight
"Diamond Ice Crystal Power!" The three attacks combined, but still they weren't enough. Queen Beryl's dark energy slowly inched its way toward the scouts. Arctic glanced to her left, and saw Galaxy standing with her hand on her Chaos Crystal.
"Galaxy! What are you doing? We need your help, we can't do this without you!" Galaxy tightened her grip on the crystal.Should she help? It would be the right thing to do, but her mother would be gone. But if she didn't help then she would lose her half sister. The only true family she had ever known. Either way one of them would die.
"Radia!" Queen Beryl cried out to her daughter. Galaxy's eyes snapped to her mother's. "Don't betray me again." Galaxy's eyes filled with tears. The evil inside of her reached out to her mother. "Remember what you learned at Galaxia's" Galaxy did remember. The months of torture. The beatings, and the eternal darkness that nearly engulfed her and drove her insane. Her eyes flashed with anger and hatred at the memories. She ripped the crystal from her necklace, threw it into the air and shouted as loud as her voice would allow.
"Chaos Crystal Power!" Black energy flowed from the crystal and into the combined attacks. Beryl's darkness was forced back and she disolved from the energy. With a final groan she disappated. The scouts let their attacks cease. They stood there for a second before letting out a cheer of joy. Galaxy stood alone. She had just killed her own mother. She wanted to feel despair, but she didn't. She actually felt like a great weight had been lifted from her shoulders. She smiled to herself. Beryl was gone for good. She never had to live under her mother's watchful eye again. It was finally over.
The scouts teleported back to Tokyo. Serena and Darien left to be together. Rini also left to be with Pegasus. Rei, Mina, Lita, Hotaru, Michelle, Amara, Radia, and Trista all went for cocoa, and Kumi sat on her couch in her apartment with Kiyoshi. Across town, Sakura allowed Cicero into her home. Cicero padded into the livingroom. Demitrius sat on the coffee table. Cicero sprang up onto the table with him. "Hello Demitrius."
"Cicero. What are you doing here?"
Cicero blushed a little. "I'm here because there's something that I need to tell you." She blushed a little darker. When she finally did speak, her voice was shaking. "I love you Demitrius." Demitrius rose and walked to Cicero. Unexpectidely, he rubbed against her.
"I love you too Cicero." Cicero smiled happily and rubbed against Demitrius, she purred.
Serena and Darien walked along the beach arm in arm. They stopped and sat on a bench watching the sunset. They didn't even notice the couple further down the beach.
Nephlite and Molly stood with their arms around each other. Nephlite pulled away and took something out of his pocket, it caught the sunlight and sparkled in Molly's eyes. Molly took it and jumped into Nephlite's arms. They kissed each other glad to be together and alive with no dark clouds hovering in the near future, while Molly's engagement ring glittered in the setting sun.
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