What Colors Mean: An Indepth Look at Color Symbolism
By Sakura 6-22-03

This article is more of a list for you to use as a reference when choosing the colors of your otaku senshi's outfit, as well as just as a general reference for the meaning of colors. I have done a lot of compiling of the meanings of the colors listed below; I hope it helps you out. ^_^


Red is the color with the lowest vibration so it has the most organic and most physically vitalizing feeling. It is heat-giving and has vibrant power – quick in strength and force, red is often associated with power and leadership. (1) Red is also associated with powerful actions, among some being sacrifice or intimate personal situations. (2)

The color red is used in maintaining health, providing strength and physical energy, and evokes intense emotions such as sexual prowess, passion, courage, and protection. It is also seen as a defensive color. Dark shades of red are allied with high energy and determination. (4) It is often seen as a symbol of long life as well as a representation of love. Because of its connection with human blood, it is often linked to life and death. Power to achieve goals, vitality, grounding, material security, stability, stillness, and courage are all linked to the color red. (6) So are excitement, desire, speed, aggression, danger, war, and violence. (7)

Red is the color of the element of Fire. (3)

The Zuni of America linked this color with the southern direction. In Polynesia, “red was sacred color associated with both the deities and with the highest social classes.” (3) In China it is a symbol of celebration and luck, and is used in many cultural ceremonies that range from funerals to weddings. In India it is the color of purity and it used in wedding ceremonies. In the United States it is a Christmas color when combined with green, and a Valentines Day color when combined with pink; it also indicates stop at traffic lights. In eastern cultures red signifies joy when combined with white. (7)

In Christianity, red symbolizes love, blood and the martyrdom of Christ. In Hindu belief, red represents the Kundalini or genital chakra. (4)

As an aura color, red is seen in relation to the physical. While darker shades may be associated with negative traits, like self-centrism, or materialistic, lighter colors might show a powerful sexual drive or strong athleticism. It is a manifestation of power and energy. (8)


The name of this color comes from an evergreen tree, Citrus Aurantius. Because the tree is evergreen and constantly produces, the color orange became associated with fertility. (4)

Orange is stimulating to the emotions and often, like red, associated with bravery. (1) Orange is linked to adventure and change (including forced change or disruptiveness) (2) and are also associated with general attraction, and energy. Orange is a lesser aspect of the characteristics of red. Persuasion, the ability to change minds, and the instillation of confidence in someone, are traits associated with orange. It is a charming color. (3) It stands for fire and flames, lust, vigor, excitement, adventure and wholesomeness. Also, it is linked to success, stimulating energy, justice, attraction, and endurance. (4) Wonder, eagerness, openness to others, and personal creativity are all aspects of orange. (6) it is linked to matters of truth, confidence, conservatism, and security; as well as cleanliness, order, loyalty, and is often used as an appetite suppressant. (7)

As an aura color, orange is an uplifting color – it is seen in people that are cheerful and optimistic. Orange auras often indicate a social butterfly, as well as in darker shades, the negative aspects of vanity and worry. It appears in those with self-control and those who are thoughtful. (9 & 8)


Yellow is the color of the quick in intellect, the quick-witted, and those who seek wisdom. Highly nervous types might have problems with the color. (1) Yellow is also seen as a path to enlightenment. (2) Confidence, divination, communication, eloquence, travel, and movement can all be associated with this color of the element of Air. It signifies the sun, grain, and the power of reflection. (3) The positive virtues of faith, constancy, wisdom, and glory are linked to yellow. It also represents playfulness, light, creativity, warmth, mental powers, charm, confidence, vision, joy, enthusiasm, optimism, and an easy going attitude about life. (4) Personal power, social identity, influence, authority, self-control, energy, freewill, peace, radiance, joy, inner harmony, vitality and inner strength are all yellow attributes. (6) So are optimism, idealism, imagination, hope, sunshine, summer, gold, and philosophy. Some negative aspects of yellow are dishonesty, cowardice, betrayal, jealousy, covetousness, deceit, illness, hazard, treachery, and aging. (4, 7)

In Asia the color is sacred and imperial. In western cultures is is mainly seen as joy or happiness. (7) To the Zuni, it symbolized the North (3), to other cultures, yellow represents the direction East (4). In Polynesia, yellow was a color of royalty and divinity. (3)

A yellow aura is an indicator of mental activities. It could signify the awakening of new abilities, the intake of knowledge, and new opportunities. Darker shades could indicate a bruised ego for lack of recognition, as well as narrow mind that might think too much.


This color can place thoughts of jealousy and anger, sickness, quarrels, discord, and cowardice (3) but it is also linked to confidence, prosperity, travel and growth. (5)

A yellowish-green aura indicated deceit. (8)

GREEN Green is seen as the meeting ground of the color spectrum; it represents stability, endurance and quietude. It harmonizers and pacifies, it brings social stability (1) fertility, renewal, and wealth. (2) Money, prosperity, employment, and healing are tied to green. It is the color of the element of the Earth and symbolizes our planet's fertility as well as life itself. (3) It evokes abundance of life, vitality, and nature; and it radiates a feeling of fullness. Good luck and beauty are superstitiously attached to green. It is the most restful color for the human eye. Green is associated with the direction of North. (4) Unconditional love, forgiveness, understanding, personal transformation, warmth, sharing, devotion, and selflessness are all linked to green. (6)

In a negive light, green can also stand for greed and envy (2) as well as jealousy, inexperience, and misfortune.

In Christianity, green means hope and growth. In Hindu belief, green represents the heart chakra. (4) In China green hats mean a man's wife is cheating on him. (7) In Celtic myths the Green man was the God of fertility which is why wedding dresses of green are often seen. Egyptians chose green to represent the hope and joy of spring. Green is a sacred color to Moslems. (4) In India it is the color of Islam. In Ireland it has religious significance (Catholic), and in some tropical countries green is associated with danger. In the United States a green light indicates go (safe) at traffic lights, and it is also a symbol of environmental awareness, St. Patrick's Day, and is Christmas color when combined with red. (7)

A green aura comes most often to those who are just good listeners and friends (8). Lighter shades and shades leaning towards blue might indicate a healer. Of course darker shades may imply negative traits such as jealousy, self-doubt, and possessiveness (9).


Blue is the second most powerfully emotional color after red. (4) It is linked to devotion and harmony. (1) Lighter shades of blue can be associated with understanding, health, tranquility, protection, peace, and general happiness. It sharpens the power to perceive, heightens spiritual awareness, and increases one’s patience. (3) Darker shades of blue can be related to depression, moodiness, changeability, impulsiveness, unfortunate circumstances, and can be very subduing. (3) Dark blue is also connected to fanaticism. (1)

In more positive light, blue is the color of nobility and tranquility. (2) It has elements of healing, peace, the psychic. Blue is the color of the element of Water - symbolic of the ocean, sleep, twilight, and the sky. (3) As a calming color, it produces feelings of constancy and faith and can reflect images of sensitivity, truth, sleep, hope, friendship, wisdom, loyalty and ones desire to nurture. Piety and sincerity are coupled with blue as well as (4) creative self-expression, communication, wisdom, confidence, integrity, truth, freedom, and independence. (6) Unity, conservatism, security, cleanliness, order, loyalty, and coldness are linked to blue. In other situations, blue is the color most associated with technology, and is sometimes used as an appetite suppressant

In Christianity, blue symbolizes Mary and Advent. In Hindu belief, blue represents the throat chakra (4) and is color of Krishna (7). The Zuni used this color to symbolize the west. (3) In China it is associated with immortality. In Colombia it is associated with soap. Jews see it as a color of holiness and those of the Middle East see blue as a protective color.

Blue is often considered to be the safest global color (7)

Around the twentieth century it became a symbolic representation of the male gender, particularly in Western cultures. (4)

As an aura, blue most often reflects many of the traits discussed above (calmness, truth, devotion), and may also indicate the development of telepathy. Darker shades reveal deep devotion but may also indicate loneliness. Royal blues are for htose who know their life’s path. Darker, muddy blues might show over-sensitivity or forgetfulness. (9) Blue is also the color of meditation and spirituality (8).


Indigo is the color of dignity and high aspirations. (1) Light blue, it is seen as a color of tranquility and invokes feelings of higher intuition, psychic powers, and trustworthiness. The darker the color is, the more powerful the application. Indigo provides calm and coolness without feeling cold, like an icy blue. In Hindu belief, it is the color of the third eye chakra. (4) Inner vision, intuition, clairvoyance, perception, imagination, concentration, peace of mind, and projection of will, are all manifestations of indigo. (6)


Violet and purple have always been seen as noble colors. In the astral world, this majestic color is related to spiritual aspiration. Purple and violet speak of honor, spirituality and self-esteem. It is magnetic and antiseptic. (1) Purple can also denote injury (i.e., the ‘Purple Heart’ – a medal awarded to those hurt in combat), that is because it is seen as a healing color (2 &3). Spirituality, meditation, and religion are all linked to purple.

Purple was once a European symbol of royalty; today it symbolizes the divine. It shows ambition, promotes business progress, creates power (worldly, psychic or magical), causes tension, and strengthens will power. (3) It is rare in nature and sometimes perceived as artificial. Darker shades imply wealth, spiritual goals, passionate belief, visionary leadership, respect. Traditionally it is worn by emperors, military commanders, and other high-ranking officials. Psychic ability, success , and independence come from purple. Lavender has come to mean reverence and royalty.

In Christianity, purple means penitence (sorrow for sins). In Hindu belief, purple is the color of the crown chakra. (4) Perfection, integration, unity with the divine, wisdom and purpose, universal consciousness, understanding, and enlightenment are traits of purple. (6) Purple is ceremony, mystery, transformation, wisdom, and enlightenment, but in a negative light it can also depict cruelty, arrogance, or mourning. (7)

As an aura color, violet denotes the same qualities as mentioned including independence, strength, and spirituality. Muddy shades might speak of an over bearing personality or someone that needs some attention. Purple is also a sign of dream activity (9). A violet or purple aura is mystical: it shows keen intuition and is often seen in those with a strong spiritual streak. It is usually not a lingering color, as it is a very powerful one (8).


Brown is the color of earth, and some times represents materialistic thoughts. (1) Brown is realated to nature (2) and animals. Hesitation in all matters, uncertainty and doubt, neutrality, and the robbing of energy can be linked to brown (3). It can have a melancholy feel. A light brown shade gives a genuine feel. Dark brown symbolizes animal magic, home, friendship, grounding, herb magic and Earth. It is the direction of North. In Hindu belief, it symbolizes the energy in the feet. (4) Brown may also symbolize reliability, comfort, endurance, stability, simplicity, and comfort (7).

As an aura color, it is hard to interpret based on where it appears. Around charka areas, it could symbolize a need for cleansing. Near the face, head, or feet it could be referring to new roots, or grounding as well as someone who is organized (9). People with brown auras often need centering (8).


Gray is in the background; it is often neutral (1). It can be seen as passionless, and may represent death (2). Cancellation and stalemate are situations associated with gray (3). Some other gray traits are: security, reliability, intelligence, staid, modesty, dignity, maturity, solidness, conservativeness, practicality, old age, sadness, and boredom (7).

A gray aura surrounds lone-wolf types as well as those who are secretive and have physical imbalances (9).


White absorbs all the color rays in the light spectrum and is therefore cooling and restful (1). White is seen as the color of purity, wholesomeness, and sacred ritual, but could also be seen as emptiness (2). It is protection and purification for all purposes. White is symbolic of the Moon, freshness, snow, cold, and potential. White symbolized the East to the Zuni. It adds to spiritual strength, breaks curses or crossed conditions, and represents faith, purity, truth and sincerity (3). Truth, purity, peace, protection, and happiness are all associated with white. It is a color seen as the masculine divine in Christian religions. Calmness, relaxation, and an inner peace with ones surroundings and inner soul are all involved with white.

In China it symbolizes age, autumn, misfortune, virginity and purity and is the color of mourning. In Christianity white symbolizes joy, glory and the road to heaven and it was thus the color of newly baptized Christians as well as the Pope. In Hindu belief, white symbolizes energy in the hands (4).

Perfection, integration, unity with the divine, wisdom and purpose, universal consciousness, understanding, and enlightenment are all traits of white (6). White can mean so many things including: reverence, purity, simplicity, cleanliness, peace, humility, precision, innocence, youth, birth, winter, snow, good, and sterility. In Eastern cultures it is symbolic of death: it is cold and clinical. White carnations are the flower of death in Japan. In the United States white is the color of purity and is used in weddings (7).

A white aura may precede another color as a trait of awakening (9). It is more of a bright light than the color white, but is most often seen around people who are a few hours to death. In many ways, this is no doubt a strong spiritual connection to the afterlife the person is about to enter (8).


Black absorbs all colors and negativity (1).

Black is a powerful color (2). It banishes negativity and symbolizes outer space and the universe. Black is the absence of colors. In some cultures, black represented fertility; in others it represents wisdom. In Western culture it has been curiously linked with evil, due to religious associations and now is see as a color of sadness and mourning, evil, loss, discord, confusion (3). Traditionally it is not an evil color but it can represent evil and in Christian religion black signified despair, sin and mourning, satanic ritual, darkness and the underworld.

In a positive light is portrays virtues of constancy, prudence and wisdom. purity, binding, repelling, remembrance and protection. (4) It is a color of sexuality, sophistication, formality, elegance, wealth, and mystery. It is an anonymity and to some it may show depth, or style, but also could represent sadness, remorse, or anger (7).

As an aura color, black is symbolic of protection; a person with black in their aura may be protecting a secret or shielding their feelings. On the other hand, it can represent troublesome traits like those found in victims of abuse or violence. Black aruas around body areas may also be a sign of an imbalance (9).


Silver is an a color of intuition and reflection. It is the color that symbolizes encouragement and removal of negativity. It is used in the Wicca religion in regards to moon majick (4). Silver-grays in an aura evokes the awakening of feminine energies: illumination, intuition, and imagination (9).


Gold is the color that symbolizes solar deities, solar magic, and attraction (4). It is strongly spiritual and is also seen as a divine color. Those with a golden aura emit the highest levels of devotion and strong enthusiasm; they are great providers of inspiration. A muddy golden color reveals that the person is entering a spiritual growth and awakening (9).


Pink is the color of love, friendship, compassion, and relaxation. Pink is symbolic of gentle emotions and of emotional unions though it is less intense then red. This soft color overcomes evil, represents honor, love, morality, friendship, and general success (3). Fidelity, honor, harmony, compassion and faithfulness are all traits of pink.

In Hindu belief, pink is also a color associated with the heart chakra (4). Harmony, forgiveness, healing, compassion, understanding, personal transformation, warmth, sharing, and devotion are all linked to pink; however, selflessness may also be attributed to the color (6).

A pink aura reflects joy and comfort. It shows up in a person that is quiet and modest and may love art and beauty. Varying shades may lend different interpretations including a new vision or immaturity (9).


This secondary color represents healing, prosperity, peace, and growth (5).


Peach is strength, protection, confidence and communication (5).


In Hindu saffron is the sacred color (7).


This variation of violet is representative of physical energy, happiness, power, and healing (5).


In Korea, pastels represent trust. In the United States, pastels are linked to spring, and Easter; pale blue (baby blue) stands for an infant boy; pale pink stands for an infant girl (7).

The Meaning of Colors (1) Colors: Dream Dictionary (2) Meaning of Colors (3) Color Meanings and Customs (4) Secondary Color Meanings (5) Color Meanings (6) Color Symbolism Chart (7) Aura Colors and Their Meanings (8) Aura Color Meanings (9)

Questions? Comments? E-mail Sakura: Sakura@sailorastera.com